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Belief (Iman) and Unbelief (kufr)

Imaan(Faith) is to accept with the heart all those things which are the necessities of Deen. To reject any one of the necessities of Deen is known as Kufr (infidelity), even if one accepts all the other necessities of Deen. Necessities of Deen refer to all that which ever individual Muslim is aware off. In other words, the Oneness of Allah, The Nabuiwat of Prophets, Jannat, Jahanum, Resurrection and Reckoning etc. For example, he must accept the finality of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). This must be accepted without any doubt or reservations. Any Muslim who does accept these principles of faith is no longer a Muslim. A Muslim who lives in a normal community have to be aware of the fundamental necessities of Islam. This however does not apply to those who live in mountains and forests etc. which is completely away from civilisation. This category of people will not lose their faith if they are unaware of these aspects of faith. These people will be regarded to be out of the folds of Islam if they totally reject any basic Islamic beliefs. The above mentioned law is only for those who are away from actual civilisation. This law will not apply to those of us that live in civilised communities and are aware of all the necessities of Deen. Such Muslims who live in civilised societies need to also follow the commands strictly through their practices and statements.

It must be noted that this refers to communities that are totally distant from civilsation, meaning that none from another community is able to go them and none from their community is able to go to another place to attain proper knowledge of Deen.

Belief: The sincere conviction from the dept of the heart is the actuality of Imaan. The physical actions are not part and parcel of Imaan in actuality. As for the announcement of Imaan through word of mouth, then if after accepting Islam, a person does not get time to say this with the tongue, then in the sight of Allah he is a believer. If he had the time to say it with the tongue and he was asked to do so and he still abstained from doing so, then he is still a Kaafir. If he was not asked to confirm his Imaan verbally or secretively, then according to the law in this world he will be recognised as a Kaafir. Neither will his Janaaza Namaaz be performed and nor will he be buried in the Muslim cemetery, but in the sight of Allah he is a Muslim (as Allah is aware of him secretly accepting Islam in his heart), for as long as he does not portray any action which is against Islam.

Belief: To be a Muslim, it is also compulsory not to verbally reject anything which is from amongst the necessities of Deen. Even if a person accepts all the other necessities and says that he is only rejecting it verbally but has faith in it in his heart. A Muslim can never utter words of kufr and only he will utter such words of kufr, who harbors such thoughts in his heart, and says whatever he pleases whenever he pleases. Imaan is such a firm conviction, that there is no room for disagreement present in it.

Mas'ala (Rule): If (Allah forbid) a person was forced into uttering words of kufr, in other words, his life has been threatened and those threatening him say that they will cut off his body parts etc. then one must be completely sure that the ones threatening definitely have the ability to do this, then in this circumstance, he is given latitude. However, in heart he should still have conviction of Imaan and it should actually be even stronger now. It is however more exalted that one gets killed and does not utter these words of kufr.

Mas'ala (Rule): Ones physical practices are not included in the actual theory of Imaan. There are however certain actions which when done, will cause a person to become a kaafir. Examples of these actions are : To make sajdah to the sun and the moon, to kill a Prophet, to say blasphemy against a Prophet, To insult the Kaaba Shareef or the Holy Quran, or to look at any sunnat with in a bad way. All these are without doubt Kufr. In the same way, there are certain practices which are signs of kufr, such as wearing a Zannaar, growing a choti (bunch of hair grown on the back of head by hindus), or applying the qashqa (the mark made on the foreheads by hindus indicating their conviction as hindus). The Great Jurists have labelled one who does these actions as a Kaafir. Now, that these actions show kufr, then the person who has done them will have to read the Kalima again and make Nikah again with his wife if he was married.

Mas'ala (Rule): To say that to be haraam, which is prove to be halaal from the Quran and to say something which is ordained as haraam to be halaal is Kufr, on condition that this command is from the necessities of Deen and the one who is rejecting it is well aware of the command.

Mas'ala (Rule): In the principle beliefs (Usool‑e‑Aqaaid), one is not allowed to make Taqleed (To have difference of opinion like the four Imams have on issues of practice such as Namaaz, Fasting etc). To make taqleed in certain practical aspects of Deen is allowed. It is for this reason that there are two basic branches in the Ahle Sunnat. One is the "Maatureediya" in other words those that prescribe to the school of thought of Hazrat Abu Mansoor� Maatureedi (radi Allahu anhu) and "Ash'a'ira, who prescribe to the school of though of Hazrat Imam Sheikh Abul Hassan Ash'ari (radi Allahu anhu). Both these branches are proper branches of the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaat. Both are on Haq (The True Path). They do not differ in principle beliefs Belief. Their differences are in certain practical issues (such as Namaaz, wudhu etc and how these practices should be performed). Their differences are like that of Hanafi and Shafi'i etc. Both are on righteousness and one can not contradict one another.

Mas'ala (Rule): There is no increasing or lessening in Imaan. Only that which has form, shape, height, width and length can be increased or lessened and Imaan is pure of all these. Imaan is declaration and a declaration is a condition of submission. In certain verses of the Quran Allah azzawajal has mentioned enhanced Imaan. This refers to faith with true conviction in Imaan (It does not mean that the value of Imaan is more. It however does signify the strength of Imaan). In the time of the revelation of the Quran, there was no limit fixed for this. As the verses of the Quran were revealed, people brought Imaan on them the commands which were revealed. It is not such that the reality of Imaan increased or decreased. However, there is difference in the strength and weakness of Imaan of every individual (in other words the Imaan of some is stronger or weaker than that of others, meaning one has stronger or weaker faith than another). For example, the Imaan of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (radi Allahu anhu) is stronger than the Imaan of the rest of the Ummats Imaan all put together.

Belief: There is no relationship between belief and unbelief. A person will either be a Muslim or a Kaafir. There is no third thing, that a person is neither a Muslim nor a Kaafir.

Mas'ala (Rule): Nifaaq (Hypocrisy), in other words to make the verbal claim of Imaan yet reject it in the heart is also kufr. The lowest level of Jahanum has been prepared for such people. There were also those in the time of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) who were hypocrites. These hypocrites were exposed through verses of the Holy Quran and the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) with his vast knowledge recognised every one of them and said each one of them to be Munafiqs (hypocrites). Today, we can not call a person a Munafiq if he announces Islam and does not openly go against any principle beliefs, as we are not aware of his hearts condition. However, there are those misguided sects today who claim to be Muslims but reject the necessities of Deen as well.

Belief: Shirk means to make any than Allah worthy of worship and to accept more than one Allah being in existence. This is the worst form of kufr that one can commit. With the exception of this, any other Kufr, no matter how bad will not amount to Shirk. The command in the Quran that no shirk will be forgiven refers to all types of shirk and kufr. However, Allah azzawajal may forgive any other sins that he wills too (This is except kufr and shirk).�

Belief: One who commits major sin is still a Muslim and he will not be deprived of Jannat. This will be through the Grace of Allah and the intercession of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), or after getting some punishment for some of his deeds.

Mas'ala (Rule): Any person who makes dua for a kaafir after his death, or refers to a dead murtad (one who turns away from Islam) as 'Marhoom' or 'Maghfoor' or addresses a dead hindu as a heavenly soul is a kaafir.

Belief: To call a Muslim a Muslim and a Kaafir a Kaafir is from the necessities of Deen. To doubt the Kufr of any person who openly made kufr also causes one to become a kaafir. The law of Shariah is passed on that which is apparent and not that which is not known, for example if a Jew dies, then we will regard him as kaafir and will treat him as he should be treated after his death (not make dua for him etc.). If a Muslim dies and he did not openly reject any necessities of Deen, then we will treat him as a Muslim even after his death. There are those who say that we in the time we spend calling someone a kaafir, we should rather chant the name of Allah. Let us inform them that where have they seen us continuously chanting the words Kaafir, Kaafir. What we are saying, is that a kaafir must be called a Kaafir and a Muslim must be called a Muslim. They should not use their Sulah Qul (Compromising) tactics to put a veil over the kufr of any person.

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/faith-iman-and-unfaith-kufr.html


"Wa Malaaa-ikatehee''

(And I believed in [Allah's] angels).

Q 1: What are Angels?

A. Angels are the obedient, worshipping and chosen servants of Allah. They have ''Noori'' (ethereal, luminous) existence. They are innocent and commit no sin. They do what they are commanded. They neither eat nor drink but subsist on worship and remembrance of Allah.

Q 2: Why are the angels called ''innocent''?

A. Because Allah has created them free of the instinct of committing sins thus they can not disobey Allah. The Prophets of Allah are also innocent like the angels.

Q 3: What is the exact number of angels?

A. Of all creatures of Allah, the angels are the most plentiful. Their exact number is known to Allah Almighty or to His Beloved Prophet (whom Allah has endowed with such knowledge). Their creation is a continuous process. Innumerable angels are created daily. Saints and sages say that the good words and good works of the believers are transformed into angels which take off to the skies, heavens.

Q 4: How many ''prominent angels'' are there?

A. Four angels of Allah are very prominent and choicest ones:

A. (Hazrat) Gibrail who conveyed Allah's messages to His Apostles Messengers and Prophets.
B. (Hazrat) Michael who is detailed to provide subsistence and rain to His creatures.
C. (Hazrat) lsrafeil, he will make ''Soor'' i.e. blow trumpet on Doomsday.
D. (Hazrat) Izraeel, his duty is to take soul of humanbeings. A countless number of angels work under his supervision to this effect.

Q 5: What are the duties of other angels?

A. All angels have their (respective) assigned jobs. Some angels are posted in paradise and some in Hell. Some record good and bad actions of humanbeings. Some angels develop and shape foetus in mothers' wombs. Some question the dead ones in graves and some torment unbelievers and sinners. Some angels are stationed on the hallowed grave of Allah's choicest Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) and some convey or carry ''Salaat-o-salaam'' (invocation of Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet) of the believers and present to the Holy Prophet. Some angels are detailed to attend Islaamic meetings and gatherings where remembrance of Allah is made or ''Meelaad Shareef" is held i.e. where the greatness and excellences of the Holy Prophet are explained.

Q 6: What is the name of those angels who record good and bad deeds?

A. They are called ''Kiraaman Kaatibeen''. The angels of goodness are separate from those who record evil deeds and the angels for night and day are also separate.

Q 7: Which are those angels who question the dead in grave?

A. Questioning angels are called ''Munkar'' and ''Nakeer'' They have dreaded appearance.

Q 8: Can human beings see angels?

A. We can not see angels but those ones can see whom Allah wills like His Prophets who also speak to them. However at the time of death the believers may see the angels of goodness and unbelievers see the angels of torment.

Q 9: What is about he who does not believe in angels?

A. He who denies the existence of angels or says that ''will power of doing good deeds'' is angel otherwise there exists no angel, is a disbeliever.

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/angels.html



"Wa Malaaa-ikatehee''

(And I believed in [Allah's] angels).

Q 1: What are Angels?

A. Angels are the obedient, worshipping and chosen servants of Allah. They have ''Noori'' (ethereal, luminous) existence. They are innocent and commit no sin. They do what they are commanded. They neither eat nor drink but subsist on worship and remembrance of Allah.

Q 2: Why are the angels called ''innocent''?

A. Because Allah has created them free of the instinct of committing sins thus they can not disobey Allah. The Prophets of Allah are also innocent like the angels.

Q 3: What is the exact number of angels?

A. Of all creatures of Allah, the angels are the most plentiful. Their exact number is known to Allah Almighty or to His Beloved Prophet (whom Allah has endowed with such knowledge). Their creation is a continuous process. Innumerable angels are created daily. Saints and sages say that the good words and good works of the believers are transformed into angels which take off to the skies, heavens.

Q 4: How many ''prominent angels'' are there?

A. Four angels of Allah are very prominent and choicest ones:

A. (Hazrat) Gibrail who conveyed Allah's messages to His Apostles Messengers and Prophets.
B. (Hazrat) Michael who is detailed to provide subsistence and rain to His creatures.
C. (Hazrat) lsrafeil, he will make ''Soor'' i.e. blow trumpet on Doomsday.
D. (Hazrat) Izraeel, his duty is to take soul of humanbeings. A countless number of angels work under his supervision to this effect.

Q 5: What are the duties of other angels?

A. All angels have their (respective) assigned jobs. Some angels are posted in paradise and some in Hell. Some record good and bad actions of humanbeings. Some angels develop and shape foetus in mothers' wombs. Some question the dead ones in graves and some torment unbelievers and sinners. Some angels are stationed on the hallowed grave of Allah's choicest Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) and some convey or carry ''Salaat-o-salaam'' (invocation of Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet) of the believers and present to the Holy Prophet. Some angels are detailed to attend Islaamic meetings and gatherings where remembrance of Allah is made or ''Meelaad Shareef" is held i.e. where the greatness and excellences of the Holy Prophet are explained.

Q 6: What is the name of those angels who record good and bad deeds?

A. They are called ''Kiraaman Kaatibeen''. The angels of goodness are separate from those who record evil deeds and the angels for night and day are also separate.

Q 7: Which are those angels who question the dead in grave?

A. Questioning angels are called ''Munkar'' and ''Nakeer'' They have dreaded appearance.

Q 8: Can human beings see angels?

A. We can not see angels but those ones can see whom Allah wills like His Prophets who also speak to them. However at the time of death the believers may see the angels of goodness and unbelievers see the angels of torment.

Q 9: What is about he who does not believe in angels?

A. He who denies the existence of angels or says that ''will power of doing good deeds'' is angel otherwise there exists no angel, is a disbeliever.

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/angels.html


Revealed Books

''Wa Kutubehee''

(And I believed in His [Allah'sj books).

Q 1: What does the revealed book mean?

A. Revealed book means that book which Allah Almighty has sent down for the guidance of mankind so that they may know Allah and His Messengers and carry out their commands.

Q 2: How many books has Allah Almighty sent down?

A. Allah has sent down books and Sahifa [pl: Suhuf] (little books) to many Prophets the exact number of which is only known to Allah and His Beloved Prophet. Of all these heavenly books four are very prominent i.e. Torah which was revealed to Prophet Moses, Zabur (the original Psalms) to Prophet David, Bible (new Testament) to Prophet Jesus and the last one which is the highest and best is the Glorious Qur-aan which Allah Almighty has gifted to His Darling Elect Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him).

Q 3: Are the revealed books besides Holy Qur-aan still available with original texts?

A. No other heavenly books than the Qur-aan are available with the original texts because the mischievous elements in the nations of the past Prophets distorted and interpolated the original Torah, Zabur and Bible at their sweet will to gain their nefarious ends.

Q 4: How should we believe in the present Bibles (old and new testament)?

A. We should testify only that text or portion of the bibles which conform to the teachings of the Glorious Qur-aan and disapprove of that which is (are) inimical to the Holy Qur-aan believing that this ''interpolation'' is the work of the mischievous elements who claim to be the followers of the said books.

Q 5: What about that if nothing conforming or unconforming to the Holy Qur-aan is found therein?

A. In such situation we shall neither approve nor disapprove but shall say "Aamantu Bil-lwaahi wa Malama-ikatehee wa Kutubehee wa Rusulehee" (I believed in Allah, His angels, His books and His Messengers).

Q 6: Can the Holy Qur-aan be interpolated?

A. No, absolutely not. Since Islaam is ever-living and everlasting religion, Allah Almighty has taken up the responsibility of its protection Himself. It is free from being interpolated even if all its enemies strive jointly to do mischief to it.

Q 7: What about that man who believes that addition or omission can be made in the Qur-aan?

A. He who says that even a single letter has been added to or omitted from or replaced in the Holy Qur-aan, refrains to more in Islaamic fold and is ipso facto, disbeliever.

Q 8: What is Sahifa?

A. Sahifa [pl:suhuf] are little books or leaves which Allah Almighty sent down, before the Holy Qur-aan, for the guidance of humanity at large. These Suhuf contained good tidings, admonitions and guidelines to regulate life.

Q 9: How many Suhuf were sent down and to which Prophets given?

A. The exact number of Suhuf is known to Allah and His Choicest Prophet only but what we know is that some Suhuf were revealed to Prophet Adam, some to his son Prophet Shit, some to Prophet Abraham, some to Prophet Idris and some Suhuf were also revealed to Prophet Moses.

Q 10: Is there any book like that of the Holy Qur-aan?

A. No, absolutely not. The Glorious Qur-aan is an unparalleled book which was endowed to the unparalleled Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) whose title was ''Ummi'' (unlettered). This ''truthful'' (the Holy Prophet) challenged the Arab nation that was stubbornly proud of their eloquence magniloquence and rhetorics in poetry and oratory to bring or produce ten chapters and even a single chapter like it but all proud and arrogant ones were stupefied. If they were capable of producing a thing like it they would have definitely done that and not faced abject disgrace of the proclamation that they and their false gods would be consigned to hell.The Holy Qur-aan is the ever-living and ever- challenging miracle of the Last Prophet of Allah.

Q 11: Is there any revealed book with Hindus?

A. No, Hindus have no heavenly book. ''Veid'' (Hindu scripture) which they claim to be a revealed book is not ''Kalaam Allah'' but a collection of poems of the ancient Hindu poets.

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/revealed-books.html


Allah's Messengers and Prophets

"Wa Rusulehee''

(And believed in His [Allah's] Prophets).

Q 1: What is "Rasul" (Messenger)?

A. The Messengers (Rasul pl.Rusul) are those servants of Allah whom He chose to transmit His messages to His creatures for their guidance. The Messengers are a link between Allah and His creatures and invite them to the straight path.

Q 2: What is the difference between Nabee and Rasul?

A. Both the words Nabee (Prophet) and Rasul (Messenger) are usually spoken and understood in the same sense. However "Nabee'' is that chosen servant of Allah who received divine revelations to guide humanbeings. Rusul (Messengers) are also among the angels. Some Islaamic sages and scholars maintain that Rasul is that chosen servant of Allah who brought new Shariat (divine law).

Q 3: What is the difference between the Prophets and other humanbeings?

A. There is tremendous difference between Allah's Prophets and other humanbeings. The Prophets and Messengers are chosen and impeccable servants of Allah. They are taught, brought up and looked after by Allah Himself. They are free of every major and minor sins. They are descendants of the noblest and religious families and are so perfect in physique character, nature, intellect and wisdom that no scientists, scholar, physician, and philosopher of the highest calibre can even think to compete with them. Allah bestowed on them all necessary perfect and scrupulous qualities and created them free from every sort of imperfection and diseases like
leucoderma and leprosy which are repugnant to human nature.

Q 4: Do the Prophets have knowledge of the unseen?

A. The Prophets are sent by Allah Almighty to communicate the news of unseen. They tell people about reckoning paradise, hell, reward of good actions and nemesis of evil deeds, Doomsday, angels and etc. All these things are unseen and other humanbeings can not comprehend them. This knowledge of the unseen has been granted to the Prophets by Allah Almighty.

Q 5: What is the status of the Prophets in the sight of Allah?

A. The Prophets are the exalted and chosen servants of Allah. They are the greatest and highest of all creatures. Even no angel can attain to their status.
The greatest saint is also no match of that Prophet who possesses the lowest rank in the sight of Allah.

Q 6: What about that who does not respect the Prophets?

A. It is incumbent upon every believer to respect and revere the Prophets. This religious binding on the believers is higher than other obligations. To speak low of any Prophet what to talk of derogatory words, is tantamount to disbelief. Thus he who says anything which directly or indirectly insults any Prophet or subjects him to innuendoes is a disbeliever.

Q 7: can anyone become Prophet by worship and prayer?

A. No, absolutely not. The Prophethood is a highly exalted rank. Nobody can become Prophet by worship and prayer even if he fasts and prays (worships Allah) throughout his life and spends all his wealth in Allah's way. The Prophethood is an exclusive divine gift which Allah Almighty confers on the servant whom He chooses.

Q 8: What is the total number of the Prophets?

A. It is not fair to fix any particular number for the Prophets. We should maintain this belief that ''we believe in all Prophets off Allah".

Q 9: Are the angels and genies Prophets?

A. No, the Prophets are only in humanbeings and that too the males only. No angel, genie or female is Prophet.

Q 10: Is someone else also ''Ma'soom" (impeccable) besides the Prophets and angels?

A. No one is impeccable besides the Prophets and angels. To consider anyone impeccable like that of the Prophets is a grave error.

Q 11: Are Allah’s saints (Wali pl.Auliya) also not impeccable?

A. Allah’s saints and “Ahle Bait” (posterity of the Holy Prophet) are also not impeccable, but Allah Almighty protects them against sins. It is also not impossible for them to err.

Q 12: Did any Prophet hide any command of Allah?

A. No, all Prophets sincerely and scrupulously communicated Allah’s commands to mankind. If any one says that any Prophet did not communicate or hid any command of Allah for fear of anybody or expediency, he is a disbeliever.

Q 13: Can we call those Prophets who have passed-away “dead”?

A. All Prophets are as much alive in their graves as they were in the mortal world. They eat, drink and go where they want to. The death has touched them only for a moment. But all the these facts are beyond the comprehension of a common man.

Q 14: Which Prophet came first to the world?

A. Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) was the first Prophet who was sent into the world. Before him there was no humanbeing, that’s why he is called “the father of mankind”. All humanbeings are his progeny.

Q 15: Who was the first Rasul (Messenger)?

A. The first Rasul who was sent down for the guidance of unbelievers and disbelievers was Hadrat Nuh [Noah] (peace be upon him). He preached for 950 years but disbelievers who were stone-hearted and obstinately insolent remained clung to thier disbelief. At last, Prophet Noah prayed to Allah Almighty and a dreaded deluge overtook them. All disbelievers on the earth were eliminated. A few believers and a pair of every animal which boarded Noah's boat were safe.

Q 16: Which Prophet came in the last?

A. The Prophet who was sent in the last for the guidance of whole world is our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him). In him the institution of Prophethood attained its highest glory. He is the Last Prophet and no prophet will succeed him in whatsoever way.

Q 17: Are all Prophets equal in rank or superior to one another?

A. All Prophets have their respective ranks in the eyes of Allah. The highest of all is our kind master Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him). Therefore he is called ''Saie-yidul Anmbiyaa'' (the leader, chief of all Prophets).

Q 18: Who is next to our Prophet in rank?

A. Hazrat lbraaheem Khaleel-ul Laah [Abraham] (peace be upon him) is next to Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) in superiority. After him Hadrat Musa (Moses) Hadrat lsa (Jesus) and Hadrat Nuh (Noah) are superior to other Prophets. All these chosen servants of Allah are best of all humanbeings even of angels.

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/allahs-messengers-and-prophets.html


The Leader of the Prophet's, Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings and peace be upon him)

Q 1: What are the traits of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him)?

A. 1. Allah Almighty, first of all created ''Noor'' (light) of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) and then created all the worlds from his Noor. Had he not been created nothing would have been created. He is the soul of all universes.
2. Allah Almighty took covenant from all Prophets that if Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) came in their time they would certainly believe in him and help him.
3. The Holy Prophet is the best and highest of all and so is his family. No one like him has been born and even will not be born.
4. At the time of his birth all idols placed in holy Ka'abah fell flat and there was a surge of luminous light that his (revered) mother saw the palaces of the king of Syria.
5. The Holy Prophet was shadowless being ''Noor'' (light) through and through because Noor has no shadow.
6. A piece of cloud often hung over his head and trees rushed towards him to provide cool shelter under the burning sun though he was not yet declared Prophet formally.
7. Fragrance emanated from his blessed body and sweat which surpassed the sweet odour of musk and saffron and whichever way he passed would become fragrant.
8. Allah Almighty has endowed him with all treasures of all the worlds and authorised him to distribute from them at his own sweet will. Allah's will lies in his will.
9. Each and every bounty and favour which all creatures of Allah receive in this worlds and the world hereafter are owing to him.
10. If Allah is praised His Beloved Prophet's renown is also exalted as he is Allah's Darling Elect.

In short, the greatness and dignity of the Holy Prophet is beyond human attainment. He is a unique agglomeration of all bodily qualities merits and spiritual perfection.

Q 2: Is it right or not to celebrate ''Meelaad Shareef" (Prophet's birth)?

A. In the blessed gatherings of Meelaad Shareef, the traits, miracles, noble countenance, sublime character, impeccable nature, magnanimity, grace, compassion, in brief, life of the Holy Prophet are explained which are vindicated by the Glorious Qur-aan and sayings of the Prophet. Such virtuous things are neither unfair nor inventions. At the end of Meelaad Shareef gathering ''Salaat-oSalaam'' (invocation of Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet) is recited aloud respectfully in standing posture which is also lawful.

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/the-leader-of-the-prophets-prophet-muhammad-may-allahs-choicest-blessings-and-peace-be-upon-him.html

lamha fikeriya


Beliefs about The Judgment Day and Resurrection

Beleif: The day of Judgement (Qayama't) will definitely be established. One who rejects this, is a disbeliever.

Beleif: If a person's body has been disintegrated, decayed or even devoured by animals; Allah azzawajal will gather all of this and raise the body again. On the day of Qiyaamat, people will emerge from their graves without shoes or clothes and uncircumcised. Some people will be on foot whilst others will be on animals. Some will be alone on an animal; others will be two, three, four, five right up to ten persons per animal. The disbelievers will go towards the Plains of Resurrection walking on their faces.� Some will be dragged towards the Plains by Angels whilst others will be engulfed by fire.

The Plains of Resurrection will be established in Syria. The ground will be made so flat, that if a mustard seed were placed on the opposite end, it would be visible.� On this Day of Judgment, the earth will be made of copper and the sun will be only one mile away from the earth. The narrator of the Hadith states, 'It is not known whether one mile (in this case) refers to the stick used in a surma or the normal distance of a mile." Even if it refers to a mile, then it is obvious how intense the heat of the sun will be on that day. Presently, the sun is four thousand years distance away from the earth and the rear of the sun is facing us now whilst on the day of Qiyaamat the sun will face us. When the sun is at its peak on a normal summer's day, it becomes even difficult to go outside. Imagine the intensity of the sun, when it will be only one mile over our heads. Now, the ground is made of sand and we have shoes etc. to wear. On the day of reckoning, the ground will be of copper and we will be bare feet. There is none that can explain the intensity of the heat at that time. May Allah azzawajal protect us.

It will be a time when our brains will boil and we will perspire to such an extent that the perspiration will seep seventy yards into the earth. When the earth can not take in anymore perspiration, the perspiration will rise above the ground. Some will be in perspiration up to their ankles, some up to their knees, some up to their waist, some up to their chest, and some up to their necks. The disbelievers will be drowning in their own perspiration up to their mouths just as the reigns of a horse are placed in its mouth. Thirst will be so severe, that we can not really explain it. The tongue will become so dry, that it will feel like thorns. The tongues of some will be hanging out of their mouths. The heart will boil and come into the throat.

Every person will be in hardship as per his or her sins. If a person did not give his zakaat properly, then gold and silver will be melted. This will be used to brand him on his side, back and forehead. If a person did not give Zakaat on his livestock, then these animals will brought on the day of Qiyaamat. They will be made strong and healthy. He will be made to lie on the hot ground and the animals will run over him stampeding him and piercing him with their horns. When they run over him once, they will return from the opposite direction doing exactly the same thing. This stampeding will continue until the reckoning of the people comes to an end.

With all these hardships taking place, none will be thinking of the other. Brothers will run away from their brothers. Parents will release themselves from their children. A person's wife and children will run far away from him. Every one will be in caught up in his own punishment. None will be able to be of assistant to any one else.

Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) will be commanded to separate the Jahanamis (dwellers of hell) from the Jannatis (dwellers of paradise). He will ask, How many from how many? And the reply will be, 'Nine hundred and ninety nine (go to hell) from every thousand.' This will be such a time, that due to sadness, children will become old. Women carrying children will miscarry. It will seem as if every one is intoxicated (This will be due to their immense fear and sadness), even though they will not be intoxicated in reality.

The Punishment commanded by Allah is very intense. I am not sure of which of the hardships to explain. If there were one or two, or even one hundred or thousand, I would be able to explain them, but on the day of Qiyaamat, there will be numerous hardships that we will face, and all that we can really do, is ask for salvation. These hardships will not last just for a few hours, days or months, but for the entire day of Qiyaamat, which will be equivalent to fifty thousand years.

After almost half the day passes, and the people find themselves in the same frightening position, they will consult with one another and decide that they need to find someone to intercede on their behalf. They will finally decide to present themselves in the court of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam), because he is the father of all humans and Allah azzawajal created him with His Dast‑e‑Qudrat and blessed him with a place to live in Jannat, and gave him the great gift of Nabuiwat. After much difficulty, they will find their way to Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam). They will say, 'O Adam (alaihis salaam)! You are the father of all humans. Allah azzawajal created you with His Dast‑e‑Qudrat and He entered a chosen soul into you. He commanded the Angels to prostrate before you and He kept you in Holy Paradise. He blessed you with the knowledge of the names of all things. Allah azzawajal has also made you 'Safee' (His Chosen Friend). Please have mercy on our pitiful condition and intercede on our behalf, so that Allah azzawajal releases us from this punishment and torment. Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) will say, 'This is not my position (to intercede). Today I am in thought about my own position.' He will say that the Wrath of Allah is so intense, that never has it been seen in this intensity before and never will it be seen again. He will ask them to go to another. They will ask about where they should go and he will recommend them to go to Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam) as he is the first Rasool whom Allah azzawajal sent on earth for the guidance of a nation.

The people will then go to Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam) and they will praise his excellence. They will then ask him to intercede on their behalf. Here too, they will receive the same answer. He will then send them to Hazrat Ibraheem (alaihis salaam) as Allah had blessed him with being His "Khaleel" They will go to Hazrat Ibraheem (alaihis salaam) and he too will give the same answer. In brief, they will then go to Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam) who will in turn send them to Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam). He too will tell them that it is not within his power to intercede on this day. He will ask them to go to him, in whose hands Allah has given the authority of intercession, and who is without any fear even on this frightful day. He will ask them to go towards the leader of all the children of Adam (alaihis salaam). He will send them towards Khatimun Nabiyeen Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), saying that it is he who has the authority of intercession. The people will go around in circles looking for the beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) until finally they find him. They will say, 'O Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)! Allah azzawajal has blessed you with the power to open the doors of intercession. They will praise the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in the best manner possible and beg his assistance. The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will answer by saying, "I am for this reason. I am the one for whom you have been searching all over." The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will then enter into Sajdah and intercede on our behalf. Allah azzawajal will say, 'O Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)! Lift up your head (from sajdah) and say whatever you wish to say and it will be heard. Ask whatever you desire and it will be fulfilled and intercede, for your intercession is accepted. In another narration, it has been mentioned, "Ask and it will be complied with."

The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will then intercede and every person will be interceded for including a person who has Imaan equal to a mustard seed in his heart. Huzoor (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will even remove such persons from hell, who accepted Islam with a sincere heart and but not do any good deeds, the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will even remove him from hell. All the other Prophets will then be allowed to intercede for the Ummats. The Awliyah Allah, Shaheeds, Ulama, Hufaaz, Hajees, and every person who has been blessed with some religious status, will be allowed to intercede for their relatives and friends. Some people will go to the Ulama and remind them that they had given them water for wudhu on certain occasions and clay pieces to answer the call of nature. The Ulama will even intercede for these people.

Beleif: Reckoning on the last day is the truth. We are definitely going to be accountable for our deeds.

Beleif: One who rejects the issue of accountability and reckoning is a disbeliever. There will be those whom Allah azzawajal will question in privacy and they will accept all their wrongs and fear the judgment of Allah. Allah will say, 'I hid your sins whilst you were on earth, and now I am forgiving you.' Some people will be questioned with much firmness and those who are questioned in this manner will have their fate sealed. He will ask some, 'Did I not bless you with respect and dignity? Did I not make you a leader amongst your people? Did I not give in your property, horses and camels? With the exception of these Allah azzawajal will remind them of various other bounties which He bestowed upon them. They will answer in the positive, saying that it is true that Allah azzawajal had blessed them with everything. Allah will say, 'Did you know that you were to meet with me?' and they will answer negatively. Allah azzawajal will say, 'Then just as you did not remember me, We too shall leave you trapped in this punishment.'

When Allah azzawajal will remind some of the disbelievers about His bounties and He questions them about what they did, then they will say that they brought Imaan in Allah, His Books, and His Prophets. They will claim to have established Namaaz and Fasting. They will also say that they gave Sadqa and did various other good deeds. Allah azzawajal will then silence them and bring witnesses unto what they have said.� These people will be confused about who will be brought as witnesses against them. A seal will be placed onto their mouths and the rest of their body will be commanded to testify.� Their thighs, flesh, bones, hands and feet etc. will testify against him and the truth will be heard, and they will be thrown into the dungeons of hell. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said, 'Seventy thousand people from my Ummat will enter Jannat without reckoning and through their blessings, another seventy thousand will enter Jannat with each one of them and Allah azzawajal will send another three Jamaats into Paradise with them. It is not known concerning how many persons will make up each jamaat. Allah knows the number of people in each Jamaat. All those who performed Tahajjud will be allowed to enter Paradise without reckoning. In this Ummah, there will also be such a person, whose ninety nine journals will be of sins and each journal will be as far as the eye can see. All these books will be opened and Allah azzawajal will ask him if he has any complaint about any of the deeds that have been presented. Allah will ask if Kiraaman Kaatibeen (Angels who write our deeds) are justified in what they wrote. He will answer by saying that all that has been written is the truth. Allah azzawajal will ask if he has any excuse and he will say that he does not have excuse for his sins. Allah azzawajal will say, 'Your one good deed is present with Us. Today, you will not be treated unjustly.'� A piece of paper will be presented on which will be written 'Ash Hadu An Laa ilaaha ilal laah wa Ash Hadu An'na Muhammadan Abduhoo Wa Rasooluhu' and Allah azzawajal will command for it to be weighed. He will say that this one piece of paper is nothing compared to all his bad deeds, and Allah azzawajal will again tell him that he will not be treated unjustly. Then, all his journals of bad deeds will be placed on one end of the scale and the piece of paper will be placed on the other end of the scale. That piece of paper will weigh more than all his journals of bad deeds. There is no limit to the Mercy of Allah azzawajal. Through His Mercy, little things may become vast.

Beleif: On the day of Qiyaamat each person will be handed his books of deeds. The obedient servants of Allah will receive it in their right hands and the sinful ones in their left hands. The disbelievers chest will be torn open and his hands will be thrust into the chest and pulled out through his back. Then his deeds will be handed over to him.

Beleif: The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has been blessed with the Pool of Kauthar. This is Haq (a fact). The length and width of Kauthar is equal to the distance covered during one month's journey. On its banks, there are very beautiful dome shaped structures made from pearls. Its four ends are all of the same measurement, in other words all equal right angles. Its sand is fragrant with musk. Its water is whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and more pure than musk. Once you take a sip of kauthar, you will never be thirsty again. There are goblets floating on kauthar, which are more than the number of stars in the sky. There are two streams of Jannat that lead into the Pool of Kauthar. One is of gold and the other of silver.

Beleif: Meezan (The Scale) is Haq (True). The good and bad deeds of the people shall be weighed on this scale. The plates of this scale will work different from the ones on earth. The one which is heavy will be suspended whilst the one which weighs less will face downwards.

Beleif: Allah azzawajal will bless the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) with Maqaam‑e‑Mahmood (The Station of Praise).� It is here that all the creation from the beginning up to the end will praise him.

Beleif: The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be blessed with a banner (flag) which will be called Liwa ul Humd (The Flag of Praise). All the believers from the time of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) right up to the end will be gathered under this banner.

Beleif: Pul Siraat (The Bridge) is Haq (True). This is a bridge which is constructed over the fire of Hell. It is thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword. This is the only road that can be taken to go to Jannat. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be the first to cross the Pul Siraat, then All the Ambia and Mursaleen (alaihimus salaam), followed by the Ummat of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and then the Ummats of all the other Prophets. One will pass over pul siraat as per his deeds. Some will pass as fast as the flash of lightning. Some will pass like wind travelling at high speeds. Some will pass as fast as birds fly, whilst others will pass in the speed of a fast horse. Some will travel in the speed of a running man and some will be dragging themselves on their bottoms. There will be those who will be passing as slow as ants.

On both ends of Pul Siraat, there are two massive iron rods with curved ends like hooks (Only Allah and His Rasool sallal laahu alaihi wasallam know how huge they are). It will seize whomsoever it is commanded to seize. Some of those seized will be severely wounded, but will manage to pass pul siraat, whilst others will be plunged by it into the fire of hell. The entire nations will be struggling to pass over pul siraat, but our pure master, the intercessor for the sinful (Muhammadur Rasoolullah sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be waiting on the other end of Pul Siraat praying for his Ummah to pass with safety. He will be saying, "Ya Rabbi Sal'lim Sal'lim" O Allah grant them safe passage. O Allah grant them safe passage. Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will not remain in one spot on the day of reckoning. Sometimes he will be near the Mizaan interceding for those whose good deeds are few, allowing them to be pardoned, and immediately he will be at the Pool of Kauthar quenching the thirst of his thirsty Ummat. From there he will move to Pul SIraat. The beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be lifting those who fall on their way to Jannat. In other words, the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be at every juncture comforting his Ummah. Everyone will be calling out to him for his assistance, and who else can be called upon in such a difficult time? Since every one will be in his own hardship. He (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be the only one who will not be concerned about himself but he will be carrying the responsibility of the entire Universe.�

This day of Qiyaamat will take fifty thousand years to pass and it will be a day full of the most testing hardships and difficulties.� This day will be made very easy for the pious and chose servants of Allah. For these pious servants, the fifty thousand year day will pass like the amount of time that it takes one to read one Fard Salaah, and in reality, it will pass even faster than that. For some, this day will pass as fast as the blink of an eye. The Day of Qiyaamat for the righteous is like the blinking of an eye and even less than that."

The greatest blessing upon the Muslims on that day will be the great opportunity of seeing Allah azzawajal. There is no blessing greater than this. Once a person sees Allah azzawajal once, he will enjoy the blessing of the Divine Vision forever. It is something that he shall never forget. The first person to make Deedar (see Allah azzawajal) will be the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

Up to this point, we have very briefly discussed the issues relating to the Day of Resurrection. After the entire day of reckoning ends, we will enter our final abode, which is for ever. Some will receive the abode of peace and tranquility which is called Jannat (paradise) whilst others will enter the abode of pain and suffering which is called Jahanum (hell).

Beleif: Jannat and Jahanum are Haq. One who rejects this, is a disbeliever.

Beleif: Jannat and Jahanum have been created by Allah hundreds of thousands of years ago and are in existence even now. It is not true to say that Jannat and Jahanum do not exist and will be created close to or just before the last day.

Beleif: Qiyaamat, resurrection, the reckoning, accountability on the last day, reward, punishment, Jannat and Jahanum mean the same as it is generally understood by the true Muslims. Any person, who claims these to be true, yet shows different meaning for them (e.g. To say that reward refers to seeing ones good deeds and being pleased or punishment refers to being saddened by your bad deeds and the day of resurrection only pertains to the souls etc). Such a person is in reality rejecting all the above mentioned beliefs and such a person is termed a disbeliever. Now a brief discussion on Jannat and Jahanum is being presented (for your perusal).

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/beliefs-about-the-judgment-day-and-resurrection.html

Beliefs about The Judgment Day and Resurrection

Beleif: The day of Judgement (Qayama't) will definitely be established. One who rejects this, is a disbeliever.

Beleif: If a person's body has been disintegrated, decayed or even devoured by animals; Allah azzawajal will gather all of this and raise the body again. On the day of Qiyaamat, people will emerge from their graves without shoes or clothes and uncircumcised. Some people will be on foot whilst others will be on animals. Some will be alone on an animal; others will be two, three, four, five right up to ten persons per animal. The disbelievers will go towards the Plains of Resurrection walking on their faces.� Some will be dragged towards the Plains by Angels whilst others will be engulfed by fire.

The Plains of Resurrection will be established in Syria. The ground will be made so flat, that if a mustard seed were placed on the opposite end, it would be visible.� On this Day of Judgment, the earth will be made of copper and the sun will be only one mile away from the earth. The narrator of the Hadith states, 'It is not known whether one mile (in this case) refers to the stick used in a surma or the normal distance of a mile." Even if it refers to a mile, then it is obvious how intense the heat of the sun will be on that day. Presently, the sun is four thousand years distance away from the earth and the rear of the sun is facing us now whilst on the day of Qiyaamat the sun will face us. When the sun is at its peak on a normal summer's day, it becomes even difficult to go outside. Imagine the intensity of the sun, when it will be only one mile over our heads. Now, the ground is made of sand and we have shoes etc. to wear. On the day of reckoning, the ground will be of copper and we will be bare feet. There is none that can explain the intensity of the heat at that time. May Allah azzawajal protect us.

It will be a time when our brains will boil and we will perspire to such an extent that the perspiration will seep seventy yards into the earth. When the earth can not take in anymore perspiration, the perspiration will rise above the ground. Some will be in perspiration up to their ankles, some up to their knees, some up to their waist, some up to their chest, and some up to their necks. The disbelievers will be drowning in their own perspiration up to their mouths just as the reigns of a horse are placed in its mouth. Thirst will be so severe, that we can not really explain it. The tongue will become so dry, that it will feel like thorns. The tongues of some will be hanging out of their mouths. The heart will boil and come into the throat.

Every person will be in hardship as per his or her sins. If a person did not give his zakaat properly, then gold and silver will be melted. This will be used to brand him on his side, back and forehead. If a person did not give Zakaat on his livestock, then these animals will brought on the day of Qiyaamat. They will be made strong and healthy. He will be made to lie on the hot ground and the animals will run over him stampeding him and piercing him with their horns. When they run over him once, they will return from the opposite direction doing exactly the same thing. This stampeding will continue until the reckoning of the people comes to an end.

With all these hardships taking place, none will be thinking of the other. Brothers will run away from their brothers. Parents will release themselves from their children. A person's wife and children will run far away from him. Every one will be in caught up in his own punishment. None will be able to be of assistant to any one else.

Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) will be commanded to separate the Jahanamis (dwellers of hell) from the Jannatis (dwellers of paradise). He will ask, How many from how many? And the reply will be, 'Nine hundred and ninety nine (go to hell) from every thousand.' This will be such a time, that due to sadness, children will become old. Women carrying children will miscarry. It will seem as if every one is intoxicated (This will be due to their immense fear and sadness), even though they will not be intoxicated in reality.

The Punishment commanded by Allah is very intense. I am not sure of which of the hardships to explain. If there were one or two, or even one hundred or thousand, I would be able to explain them, but on the day of Qiyaamat, there will be numerous hardships that we will face, and all that we can really do, is ask for salvation. These hardships will not last just for a few hours, days or months, but for the entire day of Qiyaamat, which will be equivalent to fifty thousand years.

After almost half the day passes, and the people find themselves in the same frightening position, they will consult with one another and decide that they need to find someone to intercede on their behalf. They will finally decide to present themselves in the court of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam), because he is the father of all humans and Allah azzawajal created him with His Dast‑e‑Qudrat and blessed him with a place to live in Jannat, and gave him the great gift of Nabuiwat. After much difficulty, they will find their way to Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam). They will say, 'O Adam (alaihis salaam)! You are the father of all humans. Allah azzawajal created you with His Dast‑e‑Qudrat and He entered a chosen soul into you. He commanded the Angels to prostrate before you and He kept you in Holy Paradise. He blessed you with the knowledge of the names of all things. Allah azzawajal has also made you 'Safee' (His Chosen Friend). Please have mercy on our pitiful condition and intercede on our behalf, so that Allah azzawajal releases us from this punishment and torment. Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) will say, 'This is not my position (to intercede). Today I am in thought about my own position.' He will say that the Wrath of Allah is so intense, that never has it been seen in this intensity before and never will it be seen again. He will ask them to go to another. They will ask about where they should go and he will recommend them to go to Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam) as he is the first Rasool whom Allah azzawajal sent on earth for the guidance of a nation.

The people will then go to Hazrat Nooh (alaihis salaam) and they will praise his excellence. They will then ask him to intercede on their behalf. Here too, they will receive the same answer. He will then send them to Hazrat Ibraheem (alaihis salaam) as Allah had blessed him with being His "Khaleel" They will go to Hazrat Ibraheem (alaihis salaam) and he too will give the same answer. In brief, they will then go to Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam) who will in turn send them to Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam). He too will tell them that it is not within his power to intercede on this day. He will ask them to go to him, in whose hands Allah has given the authority of intercession, and who is without any fear even on this frightful day. He will ask them to go towards the leader of all the children of Adam (alaihis salaam). He will send them towards Khatimun Nabiyeen Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), saying that it is he who has the authority of intercession. The people will go around in circles looking for the beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) until finally they find him. They will say, 'O Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)! Allah azzawajal has blessed you with the power to open the doors of intercession. They will praise the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in the best manner possible and beg his assistance. The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will answer by saying, "I am for this reason. I am the one for whom you have been searching all over." The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will then enter into Sajdah and intercede on our behalf. Allah azzawajal will say, 'O Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)! Lift up your head (from sajdah) and say whatever you wish to say and it will be heard. Ask whatever you desire and it will be fulfilled and intercede, for your intercession is accepted. In another narration, it has been mentioned, "Ask and it will be complied with."

The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will then intercede and every person will be interceded for including a person who has Imaan equal to a mustard seed in his heart. Huzoor (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will even remove such persons from hell, who accepted Islam with a sincere heart and but not do any good deeds, the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will even remove him from hell. All the other Prophets will then be allowed to intercede for the Ummats. The Awliyah Allah, Shaheeds, Ulama, Hufaaz, Hajees, and every person who has been blessed with some religious status, will be allowed to intercede for their relatives and friends. Some people will go to the Ulama and remind them that they had given them water for wudhu on certain occasions and clay pieces to answer the call of nature. The Ulama will even intercede for these people.

Beleif: Reckoning on the last day is the truth. We are definitely going to be accountable for our deeds.

Beleif: One who rejects the issue of accountability and reckoning is a disbeliever. There will be those whom Allah azzawajal will question in privacy and they will accept all their wrongs and fear the judgment of Allah. Allah will say, 'I hid your sins whilst you were on earth, and now I am forgiving you.' Some people will be questioned with much firmness and those who are questioned in this manner will have their fate sealed. He will ask some, 'Did I not bless you with respect and dignity? Did I not make you a leader amongst your people? Did I not give in your property, horses and camels? With the exception of these Allah azzawajal will remind them of various other bounties which He bestowed upon them. They will answer in the positive, saying that it is true that Allah azzawajal had blessed them with everything. Allah will say, 'Did you know that you were to meet with me?' and they will answer negatively. Allah azzawajal will say, 'Then just as you did not remember me, We too shall leave you trapped in this punishment.'

When Allah azzawajal will remind some of the disbelievers about His bounties and He questions them about what they did, then they will say that they brought Imaan in Allah, His Books, and His Prophets. They will claim to have established Namaaz and Fasting. They will also say that they gave Sadqa and did various other good deeds. Allah azzawajal will then silence them and bring witnesses unto what they have said.� These people will be confused about who will be brought as witnesses against them. A seal will be placed onto their mouths and the rest of their body will be commanded to testify.� Their thighs, flesh, bones, hands and feet etc. will testify against him and the truth will be heard, and they will be thrown into the dungeons of hell. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said, 'Seventy thousand people from my Ummat will enter Jannat without reckoning and through their blessings, another seventy thousand will enter Jannat with each one of them and Allah azzawajal will send another three Jamaats into Paradise with them. It is not known concerning how many persons will make up each jamaat. Allah knows the number of people in each Jamaat. All those who performed Tahajjud will be allowed to enter Paradise without reckoning. In this Ummah, there will also be such a person, whose ninety nine journals will be of sins and each journal will be as far as the eye can see. All these books will be opened and Allah azzawajal will ask him if he has any complaint about any of the deeds that have been presented. Allah will ask if Kiraaman Kaatibeen (Angels who write our deeds) are justified in what they wrote. He will answer by saying that all that has been written is the truth. Allah azzawajal will ask if he has any excuse and he will say that he does not have excuse for his sins. Allah azzawajal will say, 'Your one good deed is present with Us. Today, you will not be treated unjustly.'� A piece of paper will be presented on which will be written 'Ash Hadu An Laa ilaaha ilal laah wa Ash Hadu An'na Muhammadan Abduhoo Wa Rasooluhu' and Allah azzawajal will command for it to be weighed. He will say that this one piece of paper is nothing compared to all his bad deeds, and Allah azzawajal will again tell him that he will not be treated unjustly. Then, all his journals of bad deeds will be placed on one end of the scale and the piece of paper will be placed on the other end of the scale. That piece of paper will weigh more than all his journals of bad deeds. There is no limit to the Mercy of Allah azzawajal. Through His Mercy, little things may become vast.

Beleif: On the day of Qiyaamat each person will be handed his books of deeds. The obedient servants of Allah will receive it in their right hands and the sinful ones in their left hands. The disbelievers chest will be torn open and his hands will be thrust into the chest and pulled out through his back. Then his deeds will be handed over to him.

Beleif: The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has been blessed with the Pool of Kauthar. This is Haq (a fact). The length and width of Kauthar is equal to the distance covered during one month's journey. On its banks, there are very beautiful dome shaped structures made from pearls. Its four ends are all of the same measurement, in other words all equal right angles. Its sand is fragrant with musk. Its water is whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and more pure than musk. Once you take a sip of kauthar, you will never be thirsty again. There are goblets floating on kauthar, which are more than the number of stars in the sky. There are two streams of Jannat that lead into the Pool of Kauthar. One is of gold and the other of silver.

Beleif: Meezan (The Scale) is Haq (True). The good and bad deeds of the people shall be weighed on this scale. The plates of this scale will work different from the ones on earth. The one which is heavy will be suspended whilst the one which weighs less will face downwards.

Beleif: Allah azzawajal will bless the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) with Maqaam‑e‑Mahmood (The Station of Praise).� It is here that all the creation from the beginning up to the end will praise him.

Beleif: The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be blessed with a banner (flag) which will be called Liwa ul Humd (The Flag of Praise). All the believers from the time of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) right up to the end will be gathered under this banner.

Beleif: Pul Siraat (The Bridge) is Haq (True). This is a bridge which is constructed over the fire of Hell. It is thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword. This is the only road that can be taken to go to Jannat. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be the first to cross the Pul Siraat, then All the Ambia and Mursaleen (alaihimus salaam), followed by the Ummat of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and then the Ummats of all the other Prophets. One will pass over pul siraat as per his deeds. Some will pass as fast as the flash of lightning. Some will pass like wind travelling at high speeds. Some will pass as fast as birds fly, whilst others will pass in the speed of a fast horse. Some will travel in the speed of a running man and some will be dragging themselves on their bottoms. There will be those who will be passing as slow as ants.

On both ends of Pul Siraat, there are two massive iron rods with curved ends like hooks (Only Allah and His Rasool sallal laahu alaihi wasallam know how huge they are). It will seize whomsoever it is commanded to seize. Some of those seized will be severely wounded, but will manage to pass pul siraat, whilst others will be plunged by it into the fire of hell. The entire nations will be struggling to pass over pul siraat, but our pure master, the intercessor for the sinful (Muhammadur Rasoolullah sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be waiting on the other end of Pul Siraat praying for his Ummah to pass with safety. He will be saying, "Ya Rabbi Sal'lim Sal'lim" O Allah grant them safe passage. O Allah grant them safe passage. Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will not remain in one spot on the day of reckoning. Sometimes he will be near the Mizaan interceding for those whose good deeds are few, allowing them to be pardoned, and immediately he will be at the Pool of Kauthar quenching the thirst of his thirsty Ummat. From there he will move to Pul SIraat. The beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be lifting those who fall on their way to Jannat. In other words, the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be at every juncture comforting his Ummah. Everyone will be calling out to him for his assistance, and who else can be called upon in such a difficult time? Since every one will be in his own hardship. He (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be the only one who will not be concerned about himself but he will be carrying the responsibility of the entire Universe.�

This day of Qiyaamat will take fifty thousand years to pass and it will be a day full of the most testing hardships and difficulties.� This day will be made very easy for the pious and chose servants of Allah. For these pious servants, the fifty thousand year day will pass like the amount of time that it takes one to read one Fard Salaah, and in reality, it will pass even faster than that. For some, this day will pass as fast as the blink of an eye. The Day of Qiyaamat for the righteous is like the blinking of an eye and even less than that."

The greatest blessing upon the Muslims on that day will be the great opportunity of seeing Allah azzawajal. There is no blessing greater than this. Once a person sees Allah azzawajal once, he will enjoy the blessing of the Divine Vision forever. It is something that he shall never forget. The first person to make Deedar (see Allah azzawajal) will be the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

Up to this point, we have very briefly discussed the issues relating to the Day of Resurrection. After the entire day of reckoning ends, we will enter our final abode, which is for ever. Some will receive the abode of peace and tranquility which is called Jannat (paradise) whilst others will enter the abode of pain and suffering which is called Jahanum (hell).

Beleif: Jannat and Jahanum are Haq. One who rejects this, is a disbeliever.

Beleif: Jannat and Jahanum have been created by Allah hundreds of thousands of years ago and are in existence even now. It is not true to say that Jannat and Jahanum do not exist and will be created close to or just before the last day.

Beleif: Qiyaamat, resurrection, the reckoning, accountability on the last day, reward, punishment, Jannat and Jahanum mean the same as it is generally understood by the true Muslims. Any person, who claims these to be true, yet shows different meaning for them (e.g. To say that reward refers to seeing ones good deeds and being pleased or punishment refers to being saddened by your bad deeds and the day of resurrection only pertains to the souls etc). Such a person is in reality rejecting all the above mentioned beliefs and such a person is termed a disbeliever. Now a brief discussion on Jannat and Jahanum is being presented (for your perusal).

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/beliefs-about-the-judgment-day-and-resurrection.html

Beliefs about Paradise (Jannat)

Jannat is an abode which Almighty Allah has created for the believers. He has placed such splendors in Jannat, that no eye has ever seen this before and no ear has ever heard of it, and nor has the thought of these splendors even passed through the mind of any person. None can ever experience the true realities and bounties of Jannat (in this world). The only one that has been blessed with experiencing all the bounties and all the beauties of Jannat is the holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

Whatever has been explained about Jannat, is only to give one an idea of the beauties and splendors of Jannat. The most beautiful things on this earth can not be compared in any way to anything in Jannat. There is no doubt, that nothing can be compared to Holy Paradise, but the Holy Kaaba is greater in status than Jannat and as for the Blessed Grave of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), then this is even greater than the Kaaba� and more majestic than the Arsh of Allah which is the most Majestic station in the skies.

The Arsh is a creation of Allah and the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the greatest of all creation. It is thus very evident that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) being the greatest of Allah's creation is without doubt more exalted in position than the Arsh.

One can therefore not compare the pleasures and tranquility of Jannat. If one of the maidens of Jannat has to peep into the world, then through her beauty, the entire skies and earth will be lit up and be filled with fragrance. Her beauty will surpass the brightness of the sun and the moon. Her head gear is greater than the world and all its possessions.� If a Hoor (maiden of Jannat) has to show her palm between the skies and the earth, then the creation will be plunged into turmoil due to her beauty. If she reveals her head gear, then its beauty will be more than that of the sun. The sun compared to the beauty of her headgear will be like a candle in front of the sun. If anything from Jannat equivalent to a finger nail has to fall onto earth then the entire skies and earth will be adorned by it. If the comb of a Jannati is revealed, then the brightness of the sun will be hidden. The smallest space in Jannat (even an amount of space that one needs to keep a dustbin) is greater than the world and all its possessions. Only Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) know how vast Jannat is. The explanation for understanding is that it has one hundred levels. The distance between every two levels is the distance between the skies and the earth. As for the issue of how vast each level is, then no such narration comes to mind right now. It is mentioned in Tirmizi Shareef, that if all the worlds have to put into one level, then this one level is sufficient for everything. There is a tree in Jannat that if a fast horse has to ride in its shade for a hundred years, it will still remain under its shade. The doors of Jannat are so broad that from one end to the other of one door is the distance that a fast horse will travel in seventy years. With all this, the amount of people that will enter Jannat will be so many, that they will be touching elbows struggling to enter. Because of the crowds of people, the doors will start to make noises. There are all types of Mansions therein, which are made of precious stones. They are so beautiful and pure, that the inside can be seen from outside and the outside can be seen from inside.

The walls of Jannat are made from gold and silver bricks, which are fixed together by musk. One brick will be made of gold followed by a silver one. The ground will be made of saffron and instead of stones; there will be pearls and other precious stones. It is in one narration that the bricks of Jannat are of white pearl, reddish diamonds, green emeralds. These bricks have been placed alternately and are bound by musk. Instead of grass, there is saffron, pearls instead of stones, and sand made from amber. There is a tent in Jannat, made from pearls. The height of this tent will be sixty miles. There are four rivers in Jannat. One of water, one of milk, one of honey and one of heavenly wine. There are streams which flow from each river into the homes of every Jannati. The streams in Jannat do not flow after being dug up, but they flow on the surface. The banks of each stream are of pearls and rubies and the sand below the water is made from musk.

The wine of Jannat is not like the wine of this world, which is overcome with a foul odor and a bitter taste and causes a person to become drunk, and lose his sense of judgment. The wine of Jannat is pure of all the above mentioned shortcomings (which are found in the wine of the world). The Jannatis will eat all delicacies in Jannat. Whatever they desire for will appear before them. If a person sees a bird and wishes to taste its flesh, then immediately it will appear well cooked before him. If he thinks of water etc. then the Jug will come by itself in his hand. The jugs will have the exact amount of water, milk or honey in it that the person desires. There will not be one drop more or less than desired by the Jannati. After the person drinks from it, it will return to where it came from. In Jannat there will be no impurities, such as urine, stool, nose fluid or ear fluid etc. The Jannatis will only burp a fragrant and comfortable burp. Ones perspiration will be fragrant and comfortable and this will cause all the food eaten to be digested. The scent of musk will be present in ones burp and perspiration. Every person will have the strength of one hundred men, to eat, drink and gain sexual satisfaction. Those in Jannat will continuously make Tasbeeh with intent and without intent like the flow of ones breath. There will be ten thousand servants standing at the head side of every person. Each one of them will have a bowl of gold and a bowl of silver in their hands, which will be full of all exalted and splendid things. No matter how much a person eats, the taste will never become less. In reality the taste will increase. Every morsel will have seventy tastes and each taste will be better than the next, which will be felt simultaneously. The clothes of the Jannatis will never become old and they will remain young forever. When the first group of Muslims enters Jannat, their faces will be as bright as the full moon. The second Jamaats faces will be as bright as the brightest star. They will all live in harmony and there will be no disunity or jealousy amongst them.

From amongst the maidens of Jannat given to the men, there will be at least two such maidens, that even though they will be wearing seventy sets of clothes, there ankles will be seen through these clothes like red wine is seen through a clear glass and this is because Almighty Allah has compared them to rubies. If one makes a hole in a ruby and threads a string through it, then the string will be clearly seen through the precious gemstone.� A man will see his face in her face more clear than seeing in a mirror.� The smallest pearl that she wears will be so beautiful, that it will give brightness from the east right up to the West. One narration says that if a man places his hand on her back, then he will be able to see it through her clothes and flesh. If the clothes of Jannat have to be worn in the world, then all those who see it will fall unconscious, and the sights of the people will not be able to bear its powerful rays. When a man goes to a maiden of Jannat, he will find her pure and chaste as the first time, but there will be no discomfort for the male or female. If a hoor has to drop her saliva into the sea, then because of the sweetness of her saliva, the entire see will become sweet.

It is in one narration that if the maidens of Jannat have to drop there saliva into the seven seas, then the seven seas would become sweeter than honey. When a person enters Jannat, then two maidens will sing to him at his head side in a very beautiful voice. There singing will not be the shaitaani songs of this world, but it will be the Praise of Almighty Allah. They have such sweet voices, that the creation has never heard such a sweet voice. They will also sing a song in which they will say, 'We are to live for ever and will never die. We are those in comfort and will never be trapped in discomfort. We are happy and will never be sad. Congratulations to those who have become ours and we have become theirs. With the exception of hair on the head, eye lashes and eye brows, the Jannatis will not have any other hair. An ordinary Jannati will receive 80 000 servants and seventy two wives. He will be given such a crown that the smallest pearl in it will illuminate the entire east and west.� If a person wishes to have a child, then they will become pregnant and have a child within a moment. They will not be older than thirty years of age. They will not feel the need to sleep, since sleep is a kind of death.� When the Jannati enters Jannat, then each will receive a status according to his or her deeds.

After a week, the Jannatis will be given the permission of vision of Almighty Allah. The Arsh of Allah will appear in one of the gardens of Paradise and the Jannatis will see Almighty Allah. Pulpits of Light, pearls, rubies, emeralds, gold, silver, musk and camphor will be laid for the Jannatis to sit on. None of them will feel inferior to another. They will see Almighty Allah so clearly, as every person sees the sun or the full moon from wherever He is (this is an example without comparison). Almighty Allah will address some of the Jannatis reminding of their sins and wrongs. He will say, 'O certain person, the son of certain! Do you remember that which you did on such and such a day' The person being addressed will humbly say, 'O Allah, have you not pardoned me? Allah will say, 'Yes I have pardoned you. It is through my Mercy that you have received this position. 'Everyone will still be in this highly special condition, when the sky will become overcast with clouds and a fragrance will rain upon them, and it will be a fragrance that they have never smelt before. Almighty Allah will say, 'Go towards the place of respect which I have prepared for you and take as you desire.'� They will go towards a special market place which will be guarded by Angels. They will see those items, which they had never seen or heard off and nor did it cross their thoughts. They will be given whatever they desire. There will be no buying and selling. The Jannatis will meet with one another in this market place. The one with a less status will see the clothes of the one with higher status and admire it. All of a sudden he will feel that his own clothes are the best. This is because there is nor sadness in Jannat. From their, they will each go to their respective homes. Their wives will welcome them and say that their beauty has increased and is now more than when they had left their homes.� They will say that they have been blessed with the honor of sitting before Almighty Allah. It is for this reason that we have become so illuminated.

When the Jannatis wish to meet with each other, then either their thrones will move to wherever they desire or they will be transported by very swift animals. If they intend to visit any person or place, then their desire will be instantly fulfilled. The Jannati who will be of the lowest order will have wives, orchards etc that will stretch out for a distance of a thousand years. The most chosen ones in Jannat will be blessed with having vision of Almighty Allah morning and evening. When the Jannatis enter Jannat, then Almighty Allah will ask if they desire anything else. They will say, 'You brightened our faces and entered us into Jannat. You freed us from Hell. There is nothing else we desire.' Then, the veils will be removed and the Jannatis will have vision of Almighty Allah. Could they receive anything greater and more valuable than the opportunity to have vision of Almighty Allah?
'O Allah Almighty, Bless us with the great opportunity of making Your vision through the blessings of Your Beloved, Generous and Merciful Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)'

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/beleifs-about-paradise-jannat.html

Beliefs about Paradise (Jannat)

Jannat is an abode which Almighty Allah has created for the believers. He has placed such splendors in Jannat, that no eye has ever seen this before and no ear has ever heard of it, and nor has the thought of these splendors even passed through the mind of any person. None can ever experience the true realities and bounties of Jannat (in this world). The only one that has been blessed with experiencing all the bounties and all the beauties of Jannat is the holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

Whatever has been explained about Jannat, is only to give one an idea of the beauties and splendors of Jannat. The most beautiful things on this earth can not be compared in any way to anything in Jannat. There is no doubt, that nothing can be compared to Holy Paradise, but the Holy Kaaba is greater in status than Jannat and as for the Blessed Grave of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), then this is even greater than the Kaaba� and more majestic than the Arsh of Allah which is the most Majestic station in the skies.

The Arsh is a creation of Allah and the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the greatest of all creation. It is thus very evident that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) being the greatest of Allah's creation is without doubt more exalted in position than the Arsh.

One can therefore not compare the pleasures and tranquility of Jannat. If one of the maidens of Jannat has to peep into the world, then through her beauty, the entire skies and earth will be lit up and be filled with fragrance. Her beauty will surpass the brightness of the sun and the moon. Her head gear is greater than the world and all its possessions.� If a Hoor (maiden of Jannat) has to show her palm between the skies and the earth, then the creation will be plunged into turmoil due to her beauty. If she reveals her head gear, then its beauty will be more than that of the sun. The sun compared to the beauty of her headgear will be like a candle in front of the sun. If anything from Jannat equivalent to a finger nail has to fall onto earth then the entire skies and earth will be adorned by it. If the comb of a Jannati is revealed, then the brightness of the sun will be hidden. The smallest space in Jannat (even an amount of space that one needs to keep a dustbin) is greater than the world and all its possessions. Only Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) know how vast Jannat is. The explanation for understanding is that it has one hundred levels. The distance between every two levels is the distance between the skies and the earth. As for the issue of how vast each level is, then no such narration comes to mind right now. It is mentioned in Tirmizi Shareef, that if all the worlds have to put into one level, then this one level is sufficient for everything. There is a tree in Jannat that if a fast horse has to ride in its shade for a hundred years, it will still remain under its shade. The doors of Jannat are so broad that from one end to the other of one door is the distance that a fast horse will travel in seventy years. With all this, the amount of people that will enter Jannat will be so many, that they will be touching elbows struggling to enter. Because of the crowds of people, the doors will start to make noises. There are all types of Mansions therein, which are made of precious stones. They are so beautiful and pure, that the inside can be seen from outside and the outside can be seen from inside.

The walls of Jannat are made from gold and silver bricks, which are fixed together by musk. One brick will be made of gold followed by a silver one. The ground will be made of saffron and instead of stones; there will be pearls and other precious stones. It is in one narration that the bricks of Jannat are of white pearl, reddish diamonds, green emeralds. These bricks have been placed alternately and are bound by musk. Instead of grass, there is saffron, pearls instead of stones, and sand made from amber. There is a tent in Jannat, made from pearls. The height of this tent will be sixty miles. There are four rivers in Jannat. One of water, one of milk, one of honey and one of heavenly wine. There are streams which flow from each river into the homes of every Jannati. The streams in Jannat do not flow after being dug up, but they flow on the surface. The banks of each stream are of pearls and rubies and the sand below the water is made from musk.

The wine of Jannat is not like the wine of this world, which is overcome with a foul odor and a bitter taste and causes a person to become drunk, and lose his sense of judgment. The wine of Jannat is pure of all the above mentioned shortcomings (which are found in the wine of the world). The Jannatis will eat all delicacies in Jannat. Whatever they desire for will appear before them. If a person sees a bird and wishes to taste its flesh, then immediately it will appear well cooked before him. If he thinks of water etc. then the Jug will come by itself in his hand. The jugs will have the exact amount of water, milk or honey in it that the person desires. There will not be one drop more or less than desired by the Jannati. After the person drinks from it, it will return to where it came from. In Jannat there will be no impurities, such as urine, stool, nose fluid or ear fluid etc. The Jannatis will only burp a fragrant and comfortable burp. Ones perspiration will be fragrant and comfortable and this will cause all the food eaten to be digested. The scent of musk will be present in ones burp and perspiration. Every person will have the strength of one hundred men, to eat, drink and gain sexual satisfaction. Those in Jannat will continuously make Tasbeeh with intent and without intent like the flow of ones breath. There will be ten thousand servants standing at the head side of every person. Each one of them will have a bowl of gold and a bowl of silver in their hands, which will be full of all exalted and splendid things. No matter how much a person eats, the taste will never become less. In reality the taste will increase. Every morsel will have seventy tastes and each taste will be better than the next, which will be felt simultaneously. The clothes of the Jannatis will never become old and they will remain young forever. When the first group of Muslims enters Jannat, their faces will be as bright as the full moon. The second Jamaats faces will be as bright as the brightest star. They will all live in harmony and there will be no disunity or jealousy amongst them.

From amongst the maidens of Jannat given to the men, there will be at least two such maidens, that even though they will be wearing seventy sets of clothes, there ankles will be seen through these clothes like red wine is seen through a clear glass and this is because Almighty Allah has compared them to rubies. If one makes a hole in a ruby and threads a string through it, then the string will be clearly seen through the precious gemstone.� A man will see his face in her face more clear than seeing in a mirror.� The smallest pearl that she wears will be so beautiful, that it will give brightness from the east right up to the West. One narration says that if a man places his hand on her back, then he will be able to see it through her clothes and flesh. If the clothes of Jannat have to be worn in the world, then all those who see it will fall unconscious, and the sights of the people will not be able to bear its powerful rays. When a man goes to a maiden of Jannat, he will find her pure and chaste as the first time, but there will be no discomfort for the male or female. If a hoor has to drop her saliva into the sea, then because of the sweetness of her saliva, the entire see will become sweet.

It is in one narration that if the maidens of Jannat have to drop there saliva into the seven seas, then the seven seas would become sweeter than honey. When a person enters Jannat, then two maidens will sing to him at his head side in a very beautiful voice. There singing will not be the shaitaani songs of this world, but it will be the Praise of Almighty Allah. They have such sweet voices, that the creation has never heard such a sweet voice. They will also sing a song in which they will say, 'We are to live for ever and will never die. We are those in comfort and will never be trapped in discomfort. We are happy and will never be sad. Congratulations to those who have become ours and we have become theirs. With the exception of hair on the head, eye lashes and eye brows, the Jannatis will not have any other hair. An ordinary Jannati will receive 80 000 servants and seventy two wives. He will be given such a crown that the smallest pearl in it will illuminate the entire east and west.� If a person wishes to have a child, then they will become pregnant and have a child within a moment. They will not be older than thirty years of age. They will not feel the need to sleep, since sleep is a kind of death.� When the Jannati enters Jannat, then each will receive a status according to his or her deeds.

After a week, the Jannatis will be given the permission of vision of Almighty Allah. The Arsh of Allah will appear in one of the gardens of Paradise and the Jannatis will see Almighty Allah. Pulpits of Light, pearls, rubies, emeralds, gold, silver, musk and camphor will be laid for the Jannatis to sit on. None of them will feel inferior to another. They will see Almighty Allah so clearly, as every person sees the sun or the full moon from wherever He is (this is an example without comparison). Almighty Allah will address some of the Jannatis reminding of their sins and wrongs. He will say, 'O certain person, the son of certain! Do you remember that which you did on such and such a day' The person being addressed will humbly say, 'O Allah, have you not pardoned me? Allah will say, 'Yes I have pardoned you. It is through my Mercy that you have received this position. 'Everyone will still be in this highly special condition, when the sky will become overcast with clouds and a fragrance will rain upon them, and it will be a fragrance that they have never smelt before. Almighty Allah will say, 'Go towards the place of respect which I have prepared for you and take as you desire.'� They will go towards a special market place which will be guarded by Angels. They will see those items, which they had never seen or heard off and nor did it cross their thoughts. They will be given whatever they desire. There will be no buying and selling. The Jannatis will meet with one another in this market place. The one with a less status will see the clothes of the one with higher status and admire it. All of a sudden he will feel that his own clothes are the best. This is because there is nor sadness in Jannat. From their, they will each go to their respective homes. Their wives will welcome them and say that their beauty has increased and is now more than when they had left their homes.� They will say that they have been blessed with the honor of sitting before Almighty Allah. It is for this reason that we have become so illuminated.

When the Jannatis wish to meet with each other, then either their thrones will move to wherever they desire or they will be transported by very swift animals. If they intend to visit any person or place, then their desire will be instantly fulfilled. The Jannati who will be of the lowest order will have wives, orchards etc that will stretch out for a distance of a thousand years. The most chosen ones in Jannat will be blessed with having vision of Almighty Allah morning and evening. When the Jannatis enter Jannat, then Almighty Allah will ask if they desire anything else. They will say, 'You brightened our faces and entered us into Jannat. You freed us from Hell. There is nothing else we desire.' Then, the veils will be removed and the Jannatis will have vision of Almighty Allah. Could they receive anything greater and more valuable than the opportunity to have vision of Almighty Allah?
'O Allah Almighty, Bless us with the great opportunity of making Your vision through the blessings of Your Beloved, Generous and Merciful Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)'

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/beleifs-about-paradise-jannat.html

Beliefs about Hell (Jahannam)

This is an abode in which is the clear demonstration of the wrath of Allah azzawajal. Just as there is no end to his mercy and grace, which can not be understood by the human mind, in the same way, there is no limits to his wrath. All the pain, suffering and torment that a person can imagine is very unparallel compared to the wrath of Allah. That which has been mentioned in the Quran and Hadith concerning the wrath of Allah is being briefly explained in this discussion, so that Muslims may read this and ask refuge from the wrath of Allah, and that they should abstain from those practices which will lead them towards hell. It is in the Hadith Shareef that when a person asks for refuge from hell, then Jahanum requests Allah azzawajal to grant him refuge. The Quran has warned us on many occasions to fear Hell and stay away from those things which lead one towards hell. As a means to educate us, our beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) would often ask refuge from the fire of Hell. The flames and sparks of jahanum will be as high as huge mansions. When leaping into the sky, the flames will seem like a caravan of yellow camels. Man and stone are the fuel of Jahanum. The fire of the world is one portion of the seventy portions of the fire of hell. The lowest form of punishment is this, that a person will be made to wear shoes of fire and this will cause his brains to boil like a copper pot boils. He will think that he is receiving the worst punishment, whereas he will be facing the least punishment. Allah azzawajal will ask him if he had the entire earth, would he give it in return for refuge from this torment. He will reply in the positive. Allah azzawajal will say that when he was in the spine of Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) then Allah asked him only obey one thing and that was never to make kufr and he did not take heed to this. The fire of Jahanum has been fanned for a thousand of years until it became red. It was then fanned for another thousand years until it became white. It was then fanned for another thousand years until it turned black. It is now completely black, wherein there is no sign of light. Hazrat Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) took and oath to the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and said, 'If the doors of Jahanum are opened even equivalent to the point of a needle, then all the people on earth will die due to the intensity of the heat.' He then swore an oath and said, 'If the warden of Jahanum had to appear to the people then all of them would die due to his fierce appearance.' He also took and oath and said, 'If one link from the chains of a jahanami has to be placed on a mountain, then it would begin to tremble, and it will not be able to bear this until it will finally sink deep into the earth.'

The fire of this world is so intense and there is none who can dispute this. In hot weather it is extremely difficult to stand near a fire. This fire, begs Allah azzawajal never to enter it into the fire of hell again and amazingly man seems to have no fear and does all that which will lead him into hell. Man does not fear that fire which even the fire fears. Allah azzawajal alone knows the dept of Jahanum. It is in the Hadith Shareef, that if pillar of rock is thrown into Jahanum from outside it, then even after travelling for seventy years, it will not reach the bottom of hell, whereas if a person throws a ball from the heights of the sky in the morning will reach earth by night. Hell has numerous valleys, levels and wells. There are certain dungeons in hell from which even hell itself asks refuge seventy times a day or even more than this. There are numerous punishments which the Kaafirs will face in Jahanum. The Angels will beat them with such heavy iron rods that if one rod has to be kept on earth, than all the humans and jins together will not be able to lift it off the ground. There are massive snakes and scorpions in hell that look like long necked camels. Their stings and bites are so venomous and painful, that the pain and effect will be felt for a thousand years. The jahanamis will be given so hot water, like oil that has been boiled to its highest intensity. When they bring it close to their mouths, the intense heat will cause the skin on their faces to fall off. Boiling water will be poured onto their heads. They will be given the matter to drink which passes from the body of the jahanamis. They will be given thorny fruits to eat. The foul smell of these fruits is so intense, that if one piece of it falls on earth the entire cycle of humanity will be effected. When they are hungry, they will be given these fruits to eat.When they eat it, its thorny nature will cause it to be lodged in the throat. They will ask for water and they will be given water that is so hot, that when it reaches their bowl, it will cause the intestines to disintegrate and flow out of the body. They will rush towards water like camels that are tired due to intense heat. When the kufaar become weary of the punishment, they will discuss with one another and agree to summon Hazrat Maalik (alaihis salaam), who is the gate keeper of Hell. They will say, 'Please end our lives' Hazrat Maalik (alaihis salaam) will not reply to them for one thousand years. After a thousand years he will say, 'Do not call to me. Call out to Him, Whom you have disobeyed.' They will then call out to Allah azzawajal with his merciful names for a thousand years.� Allah azzawajal will not reply to them for a thousand years. After this time, He will say, "Be off. Remain in Jahanum and do not call out to me." The Kufaar will then become disillusioned and will scream and wail like donkeys. They will cry so bitterly that deep scars will form on their faces. They will cry blood and matter instead of tears. The blood and matter will be so much that ships would be able to sail in them. The jahamis will be so ugly that if one jahanami has to be brought onto earth then all the people on earth will die due to his ugliness and foul odor. The bodies of the Jahamis will be inflated to such an extent, that to travel from one shoulder to the other shoulder will take three days on fast horse. Their skins will become forty two yards thick and their tongues will hang out of their mouths for one to two miles distance. The place, where they sit, will be like the distance between Makkah and Madinah. They will sit in Jahanum with twisted faces. Their upper lip will stretch up to the top of their heads and their lower lip will hang over their navels. The form of the kufaar in Jahanum will not be the form of humans, because Allah azzawajal created the form of humans as the best of moulds and more so, because it is the example of the appearance of the beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). The form of the Jahanamis will be that which has been explained above. Finally the kufaar will be placed into caskets of fire equivalent to their heights. A lock of fire will be placed onto this casket and this casket will be placed into another casket of fire with fire between it and a lock on it. These will then be placed into a third casket and then thrown into the depths of Hell. The person in each casket will think that he is the only one left in hell. This will be the most intense punishment and it will be forever. When the Jannatis enter Jannat and those that are to remain in hell are in hell, then death will be brought in the form of a ram on a bridge between heaven and hell. All the dwellers of heaven and hell will be summoned. The Jannatis will fear that they are to be removed from Jannat and the Jahamis will think that they have received refuge from hell. They will be asked if they recognised the ram and all will say that it is death. The ram will then be slaughtered and it will be said, 'Death is no more. O Jannatis remain in Jannat forever and O Jahamis remain in Jahanum forever. The Jannatis will be ecstatic with happiness and the Jahanamis will be sad forever.

"We pray that Allah azzawajal pardons us and favors us with His Mercy in this world and in the hereafter"

source: http://www.islamieducation.com/en/islamic-faith/beliefs-about-hell-jahannam.html

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